Our journey through St. Louis City Preservation Rights is coming to an end, and with the final attorneys’ bill in hand, we’re throwing a party to pay that down and celebrate a small victory.
The story began with trying to save the San Luis from demolition. It came down.
The reasons it came down seemed in violation of laws already on the books, so we took it to court. The judge said we had no standing to protest this.
Because this was a gross misunderstanding of the laws already on the books, and because this ruling put future buildings in the same jeopardy, we took the case to the next highest court.
Here’s a news report of what went down in court the first week of May.
We’re waiting for the final written judgment, but our group who filed the suit – and our attorneys – are pleased with the tone of argument in court on that day, so we’re closing up shop on this particular preservation adventure. And we’re feeling good about the safety of the rights of St. Louisans to protect worthy buildings from bad decisions.
The Anti-Wrecking Ball crew would love for you to join us on Saturday, May 22, 2010 from 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. at the historic Stahl Stables in Soulard for some music, mirth, raffle prizes and beer!
$10 at the door gets you a beer and 3 kick ass St. Louis bands:
The Union Electric
Pretty Little Empire
There will be cash kegs of Schlafly to drink from after you finish the complimentary brew, along with some raffle prizes and special features that are still being firmed up as we type.
All proceeds go to our noble and benevolent lawyers and the St. Louis Building Arts Foundation. So we can all get tipsy and rock out knowing we’ve all done our small part to protect our rights and the next building threatened by a wrecking ball.
If you’re on Facebook, here’s the official invite.
And click here for even more information.